Não é preciso ser um
profissional para saber que o Brasil é disparadamente o país com melhor
ascensão no futebol, aliás, também somos um país que se destaca bastante em
outras modalidades, futsal, basquete, vôlei tanto feminino quanto masculino,
natação, até no handebol, o futebol feminino que ainda não foi incorporado ao
cotidiano do brasileiro, mas está a caminho. Mas não foi exatamente isso que
quis por em questão, a questão é que para se fazer uma análise social e de caso
aí sim é necessário que se faça um estudo aprofundado da sociedade, em seus
mais variados aspectos.Talvez não possa ajudar como comentarista de futebol ,
mas posso como professor de história.
Neste texto não quis ir
muito além decidi fazer um estudo de apenas 20 anos do Brasil, pois a idéia é
fazer uma associação em ter futebol, um pouco de patriotismo e nação. No ano de
1994 o país vivia um momento muito delicado de maneira geral, na economia, na
política e na paixão nacional, o futebol. Os anos 80 não foram nada fáceis ao
país, estávamos vindo de uma ditadura militar, de uma abertura política e uma
transição econômica que batia recordes de inflação, plano cruzado, plano
Bresser, plano Collor, no anos de 1987 chegamos a ter 360% de inflação ao mês,
com crescimento de aproximadamente 2% ao ano.
Em 1982 segundo relato
dos mais vividos, é que tínhamos a melhor seleção de futebol de todos os tempos,
e perdemos nas finais para a Itália, nas eleições daquele ano estava
visível que o povo não queria mais os militares no poder, em 1985 foi o último
ano dos militares no poder com o então General João Figueiredo, em 1986 já
tínhamos como presidente um civil , que por uma questão de afinidade não
citarei seu nome, um dos responsáveis pelo plano Cruzado, e a seleção canarinho
perdeu com um pênalti perdido por Zico na época um dos melhores jogadores do
mundo decepção total. Já em 1990 tínhamos um povo que estava começando a se
identificar com a esperança, havia no Poder um presidente jovem, que prometeu
acabar com “ marajás”, que iria
moralizar a administração pública, e em poucos meses de mandato a
seleção canarinho foi eliminada da Copa
de 1990 na Itália pelo seu maior rival a Argentina, e o povo chorou como se um filho houvesse morrido.
Em 1992 o país estava com os nervos a “flor da pele” o país sangra
com o então presidente Collor envolvido com esquemas de corrupção e com isso
sofre um processo de impeachment, no seu
lugar avança Itamar Franco, que não fechou o congresso como muitos queriam, e
numa atitude ousada em fevereiro de 1994 resolve criar mais um plano, o plano
real, que para muitos soou mal ,pois na visão do brasileiro seria só mais um
plano , igual ao do cebolinha personagem do Mauricio de Sousa, inicialmente
iniciado com o a URV – Unidade Real de Valor, e em julho de 1994 com o plano
real de fato.
Pois bem, em 1994 o
brasileiro ainda assustado, com tantos
problemas ainda imaginava que era ano de Copa e mais uma vez teríamos que
sofrer, mas em maio de 1994 o Brasil para e sofre muito com a morte do ídolo
Airton Senna, tricampeão mundial de Fórmula 1, como havia comentado o Brasil também
se destaca em outros esportes além do futebol, a sua morte precoce ocorre cerca
de 45 dias antes do mundial nos Estados Unidos.
Nos Estados Unidos o Mundial
começou e o Brasil também começou a vencer nos campos, a onda verde e amarela
tomou conta das ruas, meios fios pintados, fitinhas, bandeira, sentimento nacional,
e no fim o Brasil era tetracampeão mundial de futebol 24 anos após a conquista
no México, houve praticamente feriado nacional, agora sim a moral do brasileiro
estava em alta, nos sentíamos brasileiros, estávamos bem, cabeça erguida, pois vínhamos
de períodos muito difíceis, praticamente 15 ou 20 anos de sofrimento, não
apenas no futebol, mas também na sociedade. O Futebol conseguiu trazer a
alegria e a esperança de novo aos brasileiros.
O Brasileiro se sentiu
brasileiro, honrado, o melhor do mundo, cabeça erguida, parecia que nada nos
atrapalharia, mas aí vieram 1998 perdemos na final, vencemos 2002, com o
brasileiro novamente contando com mudanças, e no final vimos que a esperança
venceu o medo, 2006 perdemos, mas não foi um choque nem na ida para a Alemanha
e nem na desclassificação, em 2010 perdemos de novo.
Pois é a Copa chegou e
chegou ao Brasil, entre prós e contras, cerca de um ano antes da Copa houve
manifestações no país de ponta a ponta, e muitos acreditavam que a Copa seria
um fracasso, o povo vive um momento histórico, ao mesmo tempo em que xingam a
presidente Dilma, vão ao estádio torcer para a seleção num estádio construído
em sua gestão, as manifestações desapareceram, e o brasileiro vai o maior
derrotado nessa história, pois perdeu a Copa do Mundo de 2014 dentro do próprio
O sentimento é de
tristeza absoluta, mas também é momento de sermos brasileiros de fato, de
investimentos em infra-estrutura, em saúde e educação, de cuidarmos de nossa Amazônia,
é hora de saber que o maior legado da Copa não são os estádios, e sim o
sentimento nacional, que não permite se queimar bandeiras por que a seleção
perdeu, e sim de colocar a bandeira no carro, nas janelas, celebrar o dia da
Independência, é esse o legado, cantar o Hino a capela, e aprender a votar, é
estudar sempre, e manter distância das drogas, cuidar de nossos idosos que já
deram sua contribuição a vida toda pelo Brasil. Confiamos nesse Brasil,
confiamos nos brasileiros, e nos brasileiros políticos, Senhores por favor,
devolva aos brasileiros o sorriso no rosto, devolva-nos a dignidade, dê
exemplos de ética e de civismo, amor ao país para nossas crianças e nossos jovens,
faça isso pelo país, mostre que o legado da copa já que muito acusaram que ela
estava comprada pelo país, veio a desfalecer, e ajude a construir uma nação
organizada, honesta, pois se vocês fizerem isso o povo também fará, vocês nos
representam então nos representem pelo
bom exemplo. Brasileiros chega da expressão: jeitinho brasileiro, chega de
maracutaías, de furar fila, de buzinar e não dar seta no trânsito, de encoxar mulheres nos ônibus e metrôs, respeite seu
professor, dê lugar a uma pessoa mais velha sentar, vá ler, vá ler com seus
filhos, compre um livro de presente e dê a um amigo, mande flores a quem você
ama, dê bom dia a quem você não conhece, faça isso e ajude nossa sociedade...
Vamos lá ainda falta muito, mas já começamos....
Vítor Andrade.’.
Profº de História
It does not take a professional to know that Brazil is the country began racing Top Rise in soccer, moreover, we are also a country that stands out enough in other sports, futsal, basketball, volleyball both feminine and masculine, swimming, even in handball , women's football has not yet been incorporated into the daily life of Brazilian, but is on the way. But it was not exactly what we wanted into question, the question is what to do social analysis and case then yes it is necessary to make a thorough study of society in its various aspectos.Talvez can not help as commentator football, but I like a history professor.
This text did not go far beyond decided to do a study of only 20 years in Brazil, because the idea is to have a pool in football, a bit of patriotism and nation. In 1994 the country was a very delicate moment in general, the economy, politics and national passion, football. The '80s were not easy for the country, we were coming from a military dictatorship, a political opening and economic transition that hit record inflation Cruzado Plan, Bresser Plan, Collor Plan in the year 1987 we got to have 360% of inflation per month, an increase of approximately 2% per year.
In 1982 the second report of the most experienced, is that we had the best football team of all time, and lost in the final to Italy in that year's elections was apparent that the people no longer wanted the military in power in 1985 was the last year's military government with then General João Figueiredo, in 1986 we had as a civilian president, who as a matter of affinity I will not cite his name, the one responsible for Cruzado plan, and the team lost canary with a missed penalty by Zico then one of the world's best players displeasure. In 1990 we had a people who were beginning to identify with the hopes, the Power had a young president who promised to end "maharajas", which would moralize public administration, and in a few months in office the canary team was eliminated from 1990 World Cup in Italy for its biggest rival Argentina, and the people wept like a child had died.
In 1992 the country had the nerves to "skin deep" the country bleeds with President Collor involved in corruption schemes and it undergoes a process of impeachment, in place forward Itamar Franco, who does not shut down Congress as many wanted, and in a bold move in February 1994 decides to create another plan, the real plan, which to many sounded bad, because in view of the Brazilian would be just a plan, equal to the character chives Mauricio de Sousa, initially started with oa URV - real Value Unit, and in July 1994 with the actual plan indeed.
Well, in 1994 the Brazilian still scared, many problems still thought it was a World Cup year and once again we would have to suffer, but in May 1994, Brazil and suffers greatly for the death of the idol Airton Senna, the triple world champion formula 1, as had commented Brazil also excels in other sports besides football, his early death occurs about 45 days before the world in the United States.
In the United States the World started and Brazil also began to mature in the fields, green and yellow wave took over the streets, media painted yarns, ribbons, flag, national sentiment, and in the end was world champion Brazil football after 24 years conquest in Mexico, there was practically national holiday, now the moral of Brazil was high, we felt Brazilians were right, head up, because we have been very difficult times, almost 15 or 20 years of suffering, not just in football, but also in society. Football has managed to bring joy and hope again to Brazilians.
The Brazilian Brazilian felt, honored the best in the world, head up, nothing seemed to disturb us, but then lost in the final came in 1998, won in 2002 with the Brazilian again relying on changes, and at the end we saw that the hope overcame fear, lost in 2006, but it was not a shock or the way to Germany and not in disqualification, in 2010 we lost again.
It is the Cup arrived and came to Brazil between pros and cons, about a year before the World Cup there were demonstrations in the country from end to end, and many believed that the World Cup would be a failure, the people live a historic moment, the same time that President Dilma swear, go to the stadium to cheer the national team in a stadium built in its management, manifestations disappeared, and the Brazilian's the biggest loser in this story, because it lost the 2014 World Cup in their own country.
The feeling is of utter sadness, but it is also time to be Brazilian in fact, investment in infrastructure, health and education, care for our Amazon, it is time to know that the greatest legacy of the World Cup stadiums are not, but national sentiment, which allows not to burn flags why the team lost, but to put the flag in the car, windows, celebrate Independence Day, this is the legacy, singing the anthem the chapel, and learn to vote, is always studying, and keep away from drugs, care for our elderly who have given their contribution to life in Brazil. Trust in Brazil, we trust Brazilians and Brazilian political, ladies please return to Brazilian smile on his face, give us dignity, give examples of ethics and civility, love of country for our children and young people make that the country, show that the legacy of the canopy as much accused that she was bought by the country, came the faint, and help build an organized, honest nation, because if you do this people will also, then, you represent us in represent the good example. Brazilian arrives expression: Brazilian way, no more dirty tricks, sticking queue of hooting and give no arrow in transit, humping women on buses and subways, respect your teacher, gives rise to an older person sit, go read, go read with their children, buy a gift book and give to a friend, send flowers to the one you love, take good day whom you do not know, do that and help our society ... C'mon still far, but we have already started ....
Victor Andrade. '.
Prof. of History
Brazil football nation 1994 to 2014
It does not take a professional to know that Brazil is the country began racing Top Rise in soccer, moreover, we are also a country that stands out enough in other sports, futsal, basketball, volleyball both feminine and masculine, swimming, even in handball , women's football has not yet been incorporated into the daily life of Brazilian, but is on the way. But it was not exactly what we wanted into question, the question is what to do social analysis and case then yes it is necessary to make a thorough study of society in its various aspectos.Talvez can not help as commentator football, but I like a history professor.
This text did not go far beyond decided to do a study of only 20 years in Brazil, because the idea is to have a pool in football, a bit of patriotism and nation. In 1994 the country was a very delicate moment in general, the economy, politics and national passion, football. The '80s were not easy for the country, we were coming from a military dictatorship, a political opening and economic transition that hit record inflation Cruzado Plan, Bresser Plan, Collor Plan in the year 1987 we got to have 360% of inflation per month, an increase of approximately 2% per year.
In 1982 the second report of the most experienced, is that we had the best football team of all time, and lost in the final to Italy in that year's elections was apparent that the people no longer wanted the military in power in 1985 was the last year's military government with then General João Figueiredo, in 1986 we had as a civilian president, who as a matter of affinity I will not cite his name, the one responsible for Cruzado plan, and the team lost canary with a missed penalty by Zico then one of the world's best players displeasure. In 1990 we had a people who were beginning to identify with the hopes, the Power had a young president who promised to end "maharajas", which would moralize public administration, and in a few months in office the canary team was eliminated from 1990 World Cup in Italy for its biggest rival Argentina, and the people wept like a child had died.
In 1992 the country had the nerves to "skin deep" the country bleeds with President Collor involved in corruption schemes and it undergoes a process of impeachment, in place forward Itamar Franco, who does not shut down Congress as many wanted, and in a bold move in February 1994 decides to create another plan, the real plan, which to many sounded bad, because in view of the Brazilian would be just a plan, equal to the character chives Mauricio de Sousa, initially started with oa URV - real Value Unit, and in July 1994 with the actual plan indeed.
Well, in 1994 the Brazilian still scared, many problems still thought it was a World Cup year and once again we would have to suffer, but in May 1994, Brazil and suffers greatly for the death of the idol Airton Senna, the triple world champion formula 1, as had commented Brazil also excels in other sports besides football, his early death occurs about 45 days before the world in the United States.
In the United States the World started and Brazil also began to mature in the fields, green and yellow wave took over the streets, media painted yarns, ribbons, flag, national sentiment, and in the end was world champion Brazil football after 24 years conquest in Mexico, there was practically national holiday, now the moral of Brazil was high, we felt Brazilians were right, head up, because we have been very difficult times, almost 15 or 20 years of suffering, not just in football, but also in society. Football has managed to bring joy and hope again to Brazilians.
The Brazilian Brazilian felt, honored the best in the world, head up, nothing seemed to disturb us, but then lost in the final came in 1998, won in 2002 with the Brazilian again relying on changes, and at the end we saw that the hope overcame fear, lost in 2006, but it was not a shock or the way to Germany and not in disqualification, in 2010 we lost again.
It is the Cup arrived and came to Brazil between pros and cons, about a year before the World Cup there were demonstrations in the country from end to end, and many believed that the World Cup would be a failure, the people live a historic moment, the same time that President Dilma swear, go to the stadium to cheer the national team in a stadium built in its management, manifestations disappeared, and the Brazilian's the biggest loser in this story, because it lost the 2014 World Cup in their own country.
The feeling is of utter sadness, but it is also time to be Brazilian in fact, investment in infrastructure, health and education, care for our Amazon, it is time to know that the greatest legacy of the World Cup stadiums are not, but national sentiment, which allows not to burn flags why the team lost, but to put the flag in the car, windows, celebrate Independence Day, this is the legacy, singing the anthem the chapel, and learn to vote, is always studying, and keep away from drugs, care for our elderly who have given their contribution to life in Brazil. Trust in Brazil, we trust Brazilians and Brazilian political, ladies please return to Brazilian smile on his face, give us dignity, give examples of ethics and civility, love of country for our children and young people make that the country, show that the legacy of the canopy as much accused that she was bought by the country, came the faint, and help build an organized, honest nation, because if you do this people will also, then, you represent us in represent the good example. Brazilian arrives expression: Brazilian way, no more dirty tricks, sticking queue of hooting and give no arrow in transit, humping women on buses and subways, respect your teacher, gives rise to an older person sit, go read, go read with their children, buy a gift book and give to a friend, send flowers to the one you love, take good day whom you do not know, do that and help our society ... C'mon still far, but we have already started ....
Victor Andrade. '.
Prof. of History
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