Há uma especulação muito grande
em torno do mundo a respeito dos maçons, quem são, o que fazem, o que querem.
Aliás a curiosidade é uma manifestação humana, e a tentação de descobrir algo
que não conhece também, para os mais religiosos é o que acontece com a Eva no
paraíso, levada pela tentação e curiosidade. Eu definiria que a Maçonaria é como convidar
alguém para vir jantar em sua casa, afinal só se entra da Ordem através de
convite, creio eu que em sua casa você só convida pessoas de sua confiança e que
você goste, a pessoa que você confia não
vai entrar em sua casa, jantar e depois sair por aí falando tudo que viu em sua
casa, principalmente sobre a conversa, se a conversa for séria, for de uma
assunto de trabalho, de saúde ou de política, e se você falar por favor quero
que essa conversa não saía da gente, se
realmente esta pessoa for seu amigo ou sua amiga, não vai falar para ninguém,
portanto você já seleciona a amizade.
A Maçonaria é uma Ordem Secular,
oriunda da Europa mesmo com alguns insistindo que ela tenha nascido na África
desde a construção das pirâmides do Egito e outros de que ela nasce no Oriente
na construção do Templo de Salomão, mas
o que temos de real ela nasce na Europa com o s pedreiros livres como veremos a
De acordo com
o Artigo 1º da Constituição do Grande Oriente do Brasil, este é o conceito de
Maçonaria: Art. 1º. A Maçonaria é uma
instituição essencialmente iniciática, filosófica, filantrópica,
A Maçonaria
teve início com a chamada Maçonaria Operativa ou de Ofício. Surgiu na Idade Média, na Europa, onde foi
financiada principalmente pela Igreja. A partir
do Século VI, as associações monásticas de construtores controlavam o segredo e
a arte de construir. Nesse momento da História, ocorriam às invasões dos povos
bárbaros na Europa, ocasionando, freqüentemente, mortes, saques, e guerras, e
assim arquitetos e artistas encontravam-se seguros nos conventos ou próximos a
eles. Mas já no século X, houve uma necessidade de expansão por parte da
Igreja, esses frades construtores passaram a treinar e preparar leigos para os
serviços, formando as Confrarias Leigas e, por terem aprendido a arte de
construir com frades, davam um cunho religioso ao trabalho.
Século XII, surgem associações simplesmente religiosas que formavam corpos
profissionais, denominadas: Guildas. As Guildas têm origem no nome Gild, de
origem teutônica, utilizado na região da Escandinávia.
Um ágape religioso durante a qual, numa
cerimônia especial, eram despojados 3 copos de chifre (chavelhos), conforme o uso da época, cheios de cerveja,
sendo um em homenagem aos deuses, outro, pelos antigos heróis, e o último
homenagem a parentes e a memória de amigos mortos, e ao final da
cerimônia, todos os participantes juravam defender uns aos outros, como irmãos, socorrendo-se mutuamente em momentos
Guildas defendiam que entre seus membros deveria haver auxilio mútuo e atuação
por reformas sociais e políticas, após as reuniões eram comuns os banquetes.
Com a Chegada das Guildas na Inglaterra, introduzida por reis de origem
saxônica, estas sofreram modificações, influenciadas, principalmente, pelo
Cristianismo, porém a Igreja não os reconhecia, sobre tudo por suas idéias de
reformas políticas e sociais, vistas pela Igreja como uma ameaça, sem contar as
acusações de praticas pagãs por parte de seus membros. Devido essas acusações,
as incorporações se organizavam sob a proteção de um Monarca ou adotavam o nome
de um santo protetor.
Surgem desta
forma os Ofícios Francos, que levariam mais tarde o nome de Franco-Maçonaria,
ou seja, Pedreiros – Livres. Eram Livres, pois se organizavam por categorias, e
não contribuíam com impostos feudais e eclesiásticos, eram chamados de
Franc-maçons na França e Freemasons na Inglaterra. A palavra Maçom significa
exatamente pedreiro. As Guildas dariam origens às Lojas. Na arte de construção
de Igrejas e palácios, ao lado construíam-se as lojas, que eram locais onde se
discutiam as coordenadas de Obras, assim esses obreiros, instruíam uns aos
outros na arte de construir. As Lojas eram compostas por três classes:
Aprendiz, Companheiro e Mestre. Até hoje, no século XXI, essas três classes são
os três primeiros graus pelos quais deve passar um Maçom. Esses obreiros
comprometiam-se a não revelar o segredo das construções, e nas lojas só
participariam maçons (pedreiros), e quem viesse a participar da loja, seria
iniciado e aprenderiam o oficio de construir (aprendiz), sempre instruídos pelo
Mestre. Por toda a Europa construíram igrejas, templos e palácios.
1539 o rei Francês Francisco I, tirava dos pedreiros livres os direitos e
privilégios que eles tinham, abolindo Guildas, Lojas e Fraternidades,
regulamentando as corporações de artesãos. No século XVI com o surgimento da
Renascença, o estilo gótico foi abolido, era o período em que os renascentistas
reviveriam as artes Greco-romanas, mas esse estilo conheceria o oficio de todas
as corporações profissionais, os Francos-Maçons foram seriamente afetados,
transformando-se em uma sociedade de auxilio mútuo. Passaram a aceitar entre
seus membros pessoas que não eram pedreiros, ou ligadas à arte das construções,
a partir daí a Franco-Maçonaria passou a ser chamada de Maçonaria dos Aceitos.
mudança de maçonaria operativa para a maçonaria dos aceitos causou uma enorme revolução
nas corporações, pois os aspectos que antes eram apenas de construção passaram
a ser também de discussões políticas e sociais, isso fez da Maçonaria o que ela
é hoje uma organização que defende a liberdade e o aperfeiçoamento do homem.
inicio se organizavam em tabernas, cervejarias e Igrejas, principalmente na
Inglaterra, e hoje em Lojas constituídas em quase todos os países. Em 1709 com a admissão do reverendo Jean Théophine Desaguliers [3],
que não apesar de não ser construtor foi iniciado na Maçonaria dos aceitos,
participou fielmente da Ordem, conseguiu reunir quatro Lojas no mês de
Fevereiro de 1717 para se discutir uma reformulação da estrutura maçônica. No
mês de junho do mesmo ano essas Lojas se encontraram e formaram a Primeira
Grande Loja de Londres. Pelo estatuto, essas Lojas seriam subordinadas a um poder central,
dirigidas por um Grão-Mestre. Antes disso o Maçom era um pedreiro livre, e não
sofria subordinação externa, essa subordinação foi o marco de separação entre a
maçonaria operativa e a especulativa, ou seja, dos aceitos.
Engraçado é que fala-se tanto do segredo maçônico, mas se a gente avaliar como
é a escolha de um Papa, ou recentemente a
fusão do bando Itaú Unibanco só para citá-los como exemplo perceberemos que ao
segredo maçônico é só mais um. No Brasil existem várias potência maçônicas, o que
só pode chamar de cisões ou tendências maçônicas, todas com o o mesmo objetivo,
mesmo não sendo uma religião e tendo um cunho religioso, eu compararia essas
cisões, como o Cristianismo onde há várias ramificações, os Ortodoxos, Os
Romanos, OS protestantes, Os Anglicanos, todos tem um mesmo objetivo em comum,
servir o mesmo Deus e os ensinamentos de Cristo, mesmo havendo algumas divergências,
e nenhum é mais ou menos cristão que o outro. As maiores potências do Brasil em
minha opinião é o Grande Oriente do Brasil, que possui um sistema federado e
podemos dizer igual a Organização do Estado Brasileiro, com todos os cargos e órgãos
na Maçonaria, as Grande Lojas, que não seguem o sistema federalizado do GOB e
sim um sistema descentralizado e estadual, e a Confederação Maçônica do Brasil,
que tem um sistema parecido com as Grandes Lojas.
O Fato de não aceitar mulheres o
que muitos pensam ser machismo é na verdade uma tradição, assim com o clero
Romano, mas daí você pode me perguntar se
é assim por que não tem mulheres na
maçonaria, sendo que em outros ramos do cristianismo sacerdotisas mulheres, daí
eu respondo: existem mulheres maçons, existem lojas de mulheres e lojas mistas,
na França encontra-se a maioria delas, Mas estas três potências que eu citei
como as maiores do país não reconhecem, mas não deixam de ser.
Maçonaria tem endereço certo, tem
CNPJ, tem estatuto e leis,portanto não pode ser secreta, mas sim discreta, é só
relembrar o primeiro parágrafo deste texto, que dentro de uma loja maçônica se
discute tudo, inclusive o destino do país é verdade, isso também deveria ser
feito nas escolas, nas Igrejas, dentro de casa, o problema é que esses assuntos
mais sérios estamos deixando nas mãos de políticos, e muitos são mal
intencionados, a Maçonaria ajudou a América em seus processo de independência e
continua ajudando a humanidade nos seus mais variados meios, portanto Mas, quando tu deres esmola, não saiba a tua
mão esquerda o que faz a tua direita;Mateus 6:3,
e não falamos de esmola, mas de contribuições sociais e políticas.
Portanto essa é a do Brasil e do
mundo, organizada em Lojas, com ritos que são procedimentos para organizar a
reunião, o juiz no tribunal tem um rito, a câmara dos deputados em seus
trabalhos tem um rito, e são simbólicas por que possuem muitos símbolos,
inclusive a Bíblia Sagrada ao centro, e em algumas Lojas encontra-se todos os
livros de sentido sagrado sobre a mesa, simbolizando a união de todos e que
ali precisa-se acreditar em um principio criador, e esse todos temos.
Enfim é isso faço-me disposição
para quaisquer dúvida, pois apesar de grande o texto eu resumi bastante, para
ficar o mais didático possível....Mande e-mails; Vitor_u@hotmail.com.
Um Fraternal abraço
Profº Vítor Andrade.’.
Professor de História
Pós Graduado em História da
Constituição do Grande Oriente do Brasil.
José. A Ação secreta da Maçonaria na
Política Mundial. São Paulo: Landmark, 2007.
José. A Ação secreta da Maçonaria na
Política Mundial. São Paulo: Landmark, 2007. p.18.
There is great speculation around the world about the Freemasons, who they are, what they do, what they want. Incidentally curiosity is a human manifestation, and the temptation to find something that does not speak well for the more religious is what happens with Eve in Paradise, driven by temptation and curiosity. I would define that Freemasonry is like inviting someone to come to dinner at his home, after the Order is entered only by invitation, I believe that in your house you only invite people you trust and that you like the person you trust not will enter your home, dinner and then go around talking about everything you saw in your home, especially about the conversation, if the conversation is serious, it is a matter of work, health or politics, and if you talk please I want this conversation would not leave us, if this person is really your friend or your friend will not talk to anyone, so you have to select friendship.
Freemasonry is a secular order, originating in Europe even with some insisting that she was born in Africa since the construction of the pyramids of Egypt and others that she was born in the East in the construction of Solomon's Temple, but we have real she is born in Europe with the free masons as discussed below.
According to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Grand Orient of Brazil, this is the concept of Freemasonry: Article 1. Freemasonry is essentially an initiatory, philosophical, philanthropic,
Progressive and evolutionary, whose ultimate ends are. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity [1]
Freemasonry began with the call or Craft Masonry Work. Arose in the Middle Ages in Europe, which was funded mainly by the Church. From the sixth century, the monastic builders associations controlled the secret and the art of building. At this moment in history, there were the invasions of the barbarians in Europe, often causing deaths, looting, and war, and so architects and artists found themselves safe in convents or near them. But already in the tenth century, there was a need for expansion by the Church, these brothers builders began to train and prepare lay people for services, forming Lay Confraternities and, having learned the art of building with friars, gave a religious slant to job.
Guilds: in the twelfth century, just religious associations that formed professional bodies, termed arise. The guilds name come from the Gild, of Teutonic origin, used in the Scandinavian region.
A religious agape during which, in a special ceremony, were stripped 3 cups of horn (chavelhos), as the use of the time, full of beer, one in honor of the gods, the other by the ancient heroes, and the last tribute to relatives and the memory of dead friends, and at the end of the ceremony, all participants swore to defend each other as brothers, be aiding each other in difficult times. [2]
These guilds among its members argued that there should be mutual aid and action for social and political reforms after the meetings were public banquets. With the Arrival of Guilds in England, introduced by kings of Saxon origin, these were modified, influenced mainly by Christianity, but the Church did not recognize them, especially for his ideas of political and social reforms, seen by the Church as a threat , not to mention accusations of pagan practices by its members. Because of these charges, the mergers were organized under the protection of a monarch or they adopted the name of a patron saint.
Thus arise Crafts Francs, that would later name of Freemasonry, ie Masons - Free. Freestyle were because they were organized by category and not contributed with feudal and ecclesiastical taxes, were called Franc-Masons Freemasons in France and in England. The word means exactly Mason Mason. The guilds would origins to the Stores. In the art of building churches and palaces were constructed beside the shops, which were places where they discussed the coordinates of Works, so these workers, instructing each other in the art of building. Merchants were composed of three classes: Apprentice, Fellow and Master. Even today, in the XXI century, these three classes are the first three degrees by which a Mason must pass. These workers undertook not to reveal the secret of the buildings, and stores only participate Freemasons (Masons), and who were to participate in the store, would be started and learn the craft of building (apprentice) when instructed by the Master. Across Europe built churches, temples and palaces.
In 1539 the French king Francis I took the free masons rights and privileges they had, abolishing guilds, shops and fraternities, regulating corporations of artisans. In the sixteenth century with the emergence of the Renaissance, the Gothic style was abolished, it was the period that Renaissance reviveriam the Greco-Roman art, but that style would meet the letter of all professional corporations, Francs-Masons were seriously affected, transforming in a society of mutual aid. Come to accept among its members who were not stonemasons, or connected with the Art buildings, thereafter Freemasonry came to be called the Accepted Masonry.
The change of operative Masonry to Freemasonry accepted caused a huge revolution in corporations because the aspects that were just before construction began to also be social and political discussions, it did Freemasonry what it is today an organization that advocates freedom and the betterment of man.
At first organized themselves in taverns, pubs and churches, mainly in England, and these stores constituted in almost all countries. In 1709 with the admission of the Rev. Jean Desaguliers Théophine [3], not despite not being constructor was initiated into Freemasonry of accepted faithfully attended the Order managed to meet four stores in February 1717 to discuss a reformulation of the structure Masonic. In June of the same year these stores met and formed the first Grand Lodge of England, in London, creating a national obedience. By statute, these shops would be subordinated to a central government, headed by a Grand Master. Before that Mason was a free mason, and suffered external subordination, this subordination was the mark of separation between the operative and speculative Freemasonry, ie, the accepted.
The funny thing is that it speaks to both the Masonic secret, but if we evaluate how the choice of a Pope, or recently the merger of Itaú Unibanco bunch just to cite them as an example we see that the Masonic secret is just one more. In Brazil there are several Masonic power, which can only be called divisions or Masonic tendencies, all as the same goal, even not being a religion and having a religious character, I would compare these divisions, like Christianity where there are multiple branches, Orthodox , the Romans, Protestants, Anglicans, everyone has the same goal in common, serve the same God and the teachings of Christ, even though there is some disagreement, and none is more or less Christian than the other. The greatest powers of Brazil in my opinion is the Grand Orient of Brazil, which has a federated system and can say the same organization of the Brazilian state, with all positions and bodies in Freemasonry, the Grand Lodges that do not follow the federalized system GOB but a decentralized state system, and the Masonic Confederation of Brazil, which has a similar system with the Grand Lodges.
The fact of not accepting what many women think is machismo is actually a tradition, so with the Roman clergy, but here you can ask me if is so why not have women in Freemasonry, and in other branches of Christianity women priestesses , then I answer: there Masons women, there are women and mixed stores in France is most of them, but these three powers that I quoted were the highest in the country do not recognize, but are nonetheless.
Freemasonry has a certain address, you CNPJ has status laws and therefore can not be secret, but discreet, just remember the first paragraph of text, inside a Masonic lodge discussing everything including the fate of the country is actually this should also be done in schools, churches, indoors, the problem is that these more serious issues we are leaving in the hands of politicians, and many are malicious, Freemasonry helped America in its process of independence and continues to help humanity in its most varied means so but when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what your right hand does, Matthew 6:3, and not talking about charity, but social and political contributions.
So this is the Brazil and the world, organized in Stores, with rites that are procedures for organizing the meeting, the judge in court has a rite, the House of Representatives in their jobs has a rite, and are symbolic for having many symbols, including the Holy Bible to the center, and in some shops is all books of sacred sense, on the table, symbolizing the union of all and that there needs to be believed in a creator principle, and that we all have.
Anyway that's willingness to do me any questions, because although much text we summarized quite to be as didactic as possible .... Send emails; Vitor_u@hotmail.com.
A Brotherly Hug
Prof. Victor Andrade. '.
Professor of History
Post Graduate in History of Freemasonry.
[1] Constitution of the Grand Orient of Brazil.
[2] CASTELLANI, Joseph The Secret Action of Freemasonry in World Politics. Sao Paulo: Landmark 2007 p.14.
[3] CASTELLANI, Joseph The Secret Action of Freemasonry in World Politics. Sao Paulo: Landmark 2007 p.18..
Masonry Non-Masons and Masons also ....
Freemasonry is a secular order, originating in Europe even with some insisting that she was born in Africa since the construction of the pyramids of Egypt and others that she was born in the East in the construction of Solomon's Temple, but we have real she is born in Europe with the free masons as discussed below.
According to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Grand Orient of Brazil, this is the concept of Freemasonry: Article 1. Freemasonry is essentially an initiatory, philosophical, philanthropic,
Progressive and evolutionary, whose ultimate ends are. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity [1]
Freemasonry began with the call or Craft Masonry Work. Arose in the Middle Ages in Europe, which was funded mainly by the Church. From the sixth century, the monastic builders associations controlled the secret and the art of building. At this moment in history, there were the invasions of the barbarians in Europe, often causing deaths, looting, and war, and so architects and artists found themselves safe in convents or near them. But already in the tenth century, there was a need for expansion by the Church, these brothers builders began to train and prepare lay people for services, forming Lay Confraternities and, having learned the art of building with friars, gave a religious slant to job.
Guilds: in the twelfth century, just religious associations that formed professional bodies, termed arise. The guilds name come from the Gild, of Teutonic origin, used in the Scandinavian region.
A religious agape during which, in a special ceremony, were stripped 3 cups of horn (chavelhos), as the use of the time, full of beer, one in honor of the gods, the other by the ancient heroes, and the last tribute to relatives and the memory of dead friends, and at the end of the ceremony, all participants swore to defend each other as brothers, be aiding each other in difficult times. [2]
These guilds among its members argued that there should be mutual aid and action for social and political reforms after the meetings were public banquets. With the Arrival of Guilds in England, introduced by kings of Saxon origin, these were modified, influenced mainly by Christianity, but the Church did not recognize them, especially for his ideas of political and social reforms, seen by the Church as a threat , not to mention accusations of pagan practices by its members. Because of these charges, the mergers were organized under the protection of a monarch or they adopted the name of a patron saint.
Thus arise Crafts Francs, that would later name of Freemasonry, ie Masons - Free. Freestyle were because they were organized by category and not contributed with feudal and ecclesiastical taxes, were called Franc-Masons Freemasons in France and in England. The word means exactly Mason Mason. The guilds would origins to the Stores. In the art of building churches and palaces were constructed beside the shops, which were places where they discussed the coordinates of Works, so these workers, instructing each other in the art of building. Merchants were composed of three classes: Apprentice, Fellow and Master. Even today, in the XXI century, these three classes are the first three degrees by which a Mason must pass. These workers undertook not to reveal the secret of the buildings, and stores only participate Freemasons (Masons), and who were to participate in the store, would be started and learn the craft of building (apprentice) when instructed by the Master. Across Europe built churches, temples and palaces.
In 1539 the French king Francis I took the free masons rights and privileges they had, abolishing guilds, shops and fraternities, regulating corporations of artisans. In the sixteenth century with the emergence of the Renaissance, the Gothic style was abolished, it was the period that Renaissance reviveriam the Greco-Roman art, but that style would meet the letter of all professional corporations, Francs-Masons were seriously affected, transforming in a society of mutual aid. Come to accept among its members who were not stonemasons, or connected with the Art buildings, thereafter Freemasonry came to be called the Accepted Masonry.
The change of operative Masonry to Freemasonry accepted caused a huge revolution in corporations because the aspects that were just before construction began to also be social and political discussions, it did Freemasonry what it is today an organization that advocates freedom and the betterment of man.
At first organized themselves in taverns, pubs and churches, mainly in England, and these stores constituted in almost all countries. In 1709 with the admission of the Rev. Jean Desaguliers Théophine [3], not despite not being constructor was initiated into Freemasonry of accepted faithfully attended the Order managed to meet four stores in February 1717 to discuss a reformulation of the structure Masonic. In June of the same year these stores met and formed the first Grand Lodge of England, in London, creating a national obedience. By statute, these shops would be subordinated to a central government, headed by a Grand Master. Before that Mason was a free mason, and suffered external subordination, this subordination was the mark of separation between the operative and speculative Freemasonry, ie, the accepted.
The funny thing is that it speaks to both the Masonic secret, but if we evaluate how the choice of a Pope, or recently the merger of Itaú Unibanco bunch just to cite them as an example we see that the Masonic secret is just one more. In Brazil there are several Masonic power, which can only be called divisions or Masonic tendencies, all as the same goal, even not being a religion and having a religious character, I would compare these divisions, like Christianity where there are multiple branches, Orthodox , the Romans, Protestants, Anglicans, everyone has the same goal in common, serve the same God and the teachings of Christ, even though there is some disagreement, and none is more or less Christian than the other. The greatest powers of Brazil in my opinion is the Grand Orient of Brazil, which has a federated system and can say the same organization of the Brazilian state, with all positions and bodies in Freemasonry, the Grand Lodges that do not follow the federalized system GOB but a decentralized state system, and the Masonic Confederation of Brazil, which has a similar system with the Grand Lodges.
The fact of not accepting what many women think is machismo is actually a tradition, so with the Roman clergy, but here you can ask me if is so why not have women in Freemasonry, and in other branches of Christianity women priestesses , then I answer: there Masons women, there are women and mixed stores in France is most of them, but these three powers that I quoted were the highest in the country do not recognize, but are nonetheless.
Freemasonry has a certain address, you CNPJ has status laws and therefore can not be secret, but discreet, just remember the first paragraph of text, inside a Masonic lodge discussing everything including the fate of the country is actually this should also be done in schools, churches, indoors, the problem is that these more serious issues we are leaving in the hands of politicians, and many are malicious, Freemasonry helped America in its process of independence and continues to help humanity in its most varied means so but when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what your right hand does, Matthew 6:3, and not talking about charity, but social and political contributions.
So this is the Brazil and the world, organized in Stores, with rites that are procedures for organizing the meeting, the judge in court has a rite, the House of Representatives in their jobs has a rite, and are symbolic for having many symbols, including the Holy Bible to the center, and in some shops is all books of sacred sense, on the table, symbolizing the union of all and that there needs to be believed in a creator principle, and that we all have.
Anyway that's willingness to do me any questions, because although much text we summarized quite to be as didactic as possible .... Send emails; Vitor_u@hotmail.com.
A Brotherly Hug
Prof. Victor Andrade. '.
Professor of History
Post Graduate in History of Freemasonry.
[1] Constitution of the Grand Orient of Brazil.
[2] CASTELLANI, Joseph The Secret Action of Freemasonry in World Politics. Sao Paulo: Landmark 2007 p.14.
[3] CASTELLANI, Joseph The Secret Action of Freemasonry in World Politics. Sao Paulo: Landmark 2007 p.18..
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